There are miracles everywhere that we have to be thankful for, the miracle of waking up is one of them.
There is also the miracle of waking up each morning... have you considered that it takes several silent automated commands through your central nervous system to your eyes, torso, legs and organs to come awake and make you rise from bed, ready for the day?
Daily Miracles.
Our world is filled with miracles, seemingly little things that occur so effortlessly and simply that we tend to take for granted the intricate processes, fine-tuning and power that led to or created it. Like the miracle of the rising and setting sun that marks the start and end of a new day, that turns into weeks and years.
There is also the miracle of waking up each morning... have you considered that it takes several silent automated commands through your central nervous system to your eyes, torso, legs and organs to come awake and make you rise from bed, ready for the day? Or the miracle of how a foetus turns into a full-fledged human being in the womb with its completely formed brain limbs and organs - a major ecosystem functioning within its mother’s ecosystem.
They are beautiful and instructional, these silent simple happenings, it is just that we tend to focus on the obvious parts, the glamour, the noise and attention, forgetting that the polish leads to the shine. We ought to be in the habit of acknowledging and appreciating the experience of such raw power daily. For me, thinking on the intricate work involved in making these seemingly simple things happen, every day, keeps me humbled and appreciative of God’s intelligence, power, grace, beauty and benevolence.
I consider also how the farmer goes out each day to till his farmland until it is ready to be planted in, then he goes out again daily to put seed in the prepared land until there is no more seed or no more space, then there’s the rain or some kind of watering system that wets the planted land for the required period, interspersed with the weeding and tending, then comes the harvest, storage, selling and sometimes preservation. Often times we do not see the farmer’s silent process and work but during the harvest there are festivals and celebrations, all the people gathered eat and drink, making merry over the abundance because the planting and preparing has successfully yielded bountiful resources.
This happens for the farmer every time, he prepares, plants, weeds, tends, harvests and celebrates, then he waits and repeats the whole cycle for as long as is necessary. He becomes used to it and looks forward to each planting season, often, not for the process but the rewards; he looks forward to recreating the miracle of harvest
This farmer could be you or me, approaching a new year (planting season), preparing and working our lives (land) to produce our desired dreams and goals (crops) till it yields what is expected, often times in more measure than is expected , then we celebrate, wait and do it again till each goal is accomplished.
Like the skilled farmer, we envision a desired outcome, ‘By the 30 I should have accomplished this and that in my life,’ we ensure we have what we need to accomplish these goals - good land, seed, tools, workers, then we set ourselves to give what is needed so we can achieve what we want. Irrespective of failed attempts and obstacles we forge ahead in preparing and planting, anticipating the taste of victory, the exhilaration from triumph and the benefits from achieving our dreams and goals.
Preparation and planting must precede harvest and celebration, it cannot happen any other way, the cart does not come before the horse.
And if you haven’t got it yet, this is my pitch on the importance of setting goals and preparing yourself, especially in this New Year, to work those dreams into fruition otherwise they will become shadows gathering dust on your memory shelf.
If you have not yet envisioned and set goals, it is not late, get to it now for even God envisioned, planned and executed the world (Genesis 1:1), and as His children we should readily follow in His steps. In fact He expects us to (Joel 2:28b), sometimes supplying us big, all-consuming dreams (1 Chronicles 28:2) that keep us alive and active till the very last item is fixed.
I’m not going to start on how to plan for a great year because that is another big topic in itself; there is an abundance of planners and teachers offering this, you just need to locate what resonates with you, follow through and do your best involving God (Psalm 37:5, Proverbs 3:16), besides it is really not difficult – paper, pen, dream and goals, tools list, action points, execute, celebrate then repeat.
The focus today is to help you re-tune your mind to the importance of putting in place the detail that produce the miracle of life success, the need to put in necessary early planning and effort so you can come out smiling. In doing this you allow yourself become mentally physically and spiritually ready for the abundance that God has promised (3 John 1:2, Philippians 4:19) and is willing to pour out on you this year (Deuteronomy 1:11, Psalm 35:27b, Matthew 7:11).
Think preparation, promise, effort, expectation and miracles.
To you, with love
Written by Isabel W.
Isabel Wrights is a simple woman who delights in God's love covering and desires to reflect this love relationship in her everyday life. You can connect with her via
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