By Dr. Francis Akin-John
It’s time for personal responsibility. We charismatics must stop blaming everything on demons. People are usually the problem.
- Stop playing charis-matic games. Spiritual warfare is a reality, but we are not going to win the world to Jesus just by shouting at demonic prin-cipalities. We must pray, preach and persevere to see ultimate victory.
- Stop the foolishness. People who hit, slap or push others during prayer should be asked to sit down until they learn that gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- End all spiritual extort-ion now. Christian televi-sion ministries must cease and desist from all manipulative fundraising tactics. We must stop giv-ing platforms to prosper-ity preachers who make outlandish claims of sup-ernatural financial returns, especially when Scripture is twisted, deadlines are imposed and the poor are exploited.
- No more Lone Ran-gers. Those who claim to be ministers of God—whether they are traveling evangelists, local pastors or heads of ministries—must be accountable to other leaders. Any who refuse to submit their lives to godly discipline should be corrected.
- Expose the creeps. Preachers who have been hid-ing criminal rec-ords, lying abo-ut their past marriages, preying on women or refusing to pay child support should be exposed as charlatans and shunned if they do not repent.
- Stop faking the anoin-ting. God is God, and He does not need our “help” to manifest Himself. That means we don’t sprinkle glitter on ourselves to suggest God’s glory is with us, hide fake jewels on the floor to prove we are anointed or pull feath-ers out of our sleeves to pretend angels are in the room. This is lying to the Holy Spirit.
- Let’s return to purity. We’ve had enough scand-als. The charismatic church must develop a system for the restoration of fallen ministers. Those who fall morally can be re-stored, but they must be willing to submit to a pro-cess of healing rather than rushing immediately back into the pulpit to cause more damage.
- We need humility. Ministers who demand celebrity treatment, re-quire lavish salaries, insist on titles or exhibit aloof-ness from others are guilty of spiritual pride. Christ-ians should avoid prideful leaders instead of re-warding them with applause.
- No more big shots. Apostles are the bondslaves of Christ and should be the most impeccable models of humility. True apostles do not wield top-down, hierarchical authority over the church. They serve the church from the bottom up as true servants.
- Never promote gifts at the expense of character. Those who operate in prophecy, healing and miracles must also exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And while we continue to encourage the gift of tongues, let’s make sure we don’t treat it like some kind of badge of superiority. The world needs to see our love, not our glossolalia.
- Hold the prophets accountable. Those who refuse to take responsibility for inaccurate statements should not be given platforms. And “prophets” who live immoral lives don’t deserve a public voice.
- Stop the politics. Our deadly mixing of nationalism and party politics with the gospel has diluted our message and ruined our credibility. We are not Democrats or Republicans first—we are followers of the Lamb. Our allegiance is to Jesus, not Trump or Obama. Christ’s kingdom transcends presidents.
- Quit trying to be so cool. Our desire to be popular has ruined our witness. Today we care more about our giant LED screens, our coffee bars and our stage lighting than whether people have an experience with the Holy Spirit.
- No more racial division. Let’s get rid of the idea of a “black church” or a “white church.” There is only one body of Christ, yet we pretend we are integrated if one person of color serves on our greeter team. True Pentecost is multicultural. The Holy Spirit builds bridges, not walls.
- Let’s make the main thing the main thing. The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s anointing is to empower us to reach others. We are at a crossroads today: Either we continue entertaining people with our charismatic sideshows or we throw ourselves into evangelism, church planting, missions, discipleship, and compassionate ministry that helps the poor and fights injustice. Churches that embrace this New Reformation will stop trying to please the crowd so they can focus on God’s priorities.
Don’t forget our conference “Healthy Local Church 3” is Wednesday 14th – Saturday 17th of February 2018.
@ Foursquare Int’l Convention Camp, Orisunbare-Idimu, Lagos
Contact: 08029744296 or 08023000714
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