By Dr. Francis Akin-John

Soft” porn has become acceptable. When we allow ourselves to watch stuff that we know cross-es God’s line – even though it may not qualify as XXX-rated material – we only open the door for the Enemy to press his way into our lives. He does not miss those opportunities.

8. Pornography use has become expected. More than one study has shown that pornography use is pervasive, even among church leaders. I have even seen church accoun-tability groups where eve-ryone failed the previous week – and failure becom-es almost the accepted norm.

9. Pornography can only create desire, not quench it. Ungodly approaches to meet real needs simply cannot meet those needs. Indeed, pornography only makes you crave more of that which can never fully satisfy. That unmet longing leads only to idolatry and addiction.

10. Pornography allows pleasure without the hard work of relationships and commitment. Relation-ships take effort. Our indi-vidualistic, hedonistic cul-ture wants the fun without the tough work, and porn-ography makes that possi-ble – or at least we convin-ce ourselves it does.

If you are struggling with pornography, I encourage you to talk to someone. Pray especially that your Christian family, friends, and children will not fall und-er the power of this sin.

12 marks of truly Spiritual leaders?

Some Christians are deep-ly spiritual, but not the best leaders. Others are strong leaders, but their actions deny their prof-essed Christianity. To be honest, it’s not always easy to find people who are both deeply spiritual and strong leaders. Here are some markers of tho-se I’ve known who do in-deed show both charact-eristics.

1. They pray a lot. These are men and women who-se hearts are bent toward God, and their knees are worn out in prayer. Their confidence in God is pal-pable.

2. They recognize the real-ity of the spiritual war. They respect the enemy’s pow-er without ever forgetting they’re following the Con-queror.

3. They practicalize the Word. Just listen to them talk. They sprinkle the Wo-rd throughout their con-versations, without draw-ing attention to themselv-es. It’s just natural to them.

4. They fight sin in their personal lives and in the lives of their congrega-tions. They know that God hates and loathes sins with passion. They take courageous actions to do away with besetting sins in their lives and that of their churches.



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